
2023-09-17 10:03



真的,它就像复制下面的脚本并将其添加到您的包中一样简单,但是如果您想要为您的脚本获取自定义凭据或配置文件,您需要了解一些事情。首先,下面的脚本只接受用户输入并对一些东西添加加密并将其写入文件。如果您要添加其他数据,只需添加一个新变量或将其直接写入文件。其次,这里的加密是使用密码学包中的 Fernet 完成的。因此密钥存储在 .key 文件中,如果您确实希望某些第三方破解加密,请将 Credentials 创建者文件转换为 .exe 或其他不易读取的格式。


m.genealogy-computer-tips.com –

#Creates a credential file.
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import re
import ctypes
import time
import os
import sys
class Credentials():
    def __init__(self):
        self.__username = ""
        self.__key = ""
        self.__password = ""
        self.__key_file = 'key.key'
        self.__time_of_exp = -1
# Getter setter for attributes
    def username(self):
        return self.__username
    def username(self,username):
        while (username == ''):
            username = input('Enter a proper User name, blank is not accepted:')
        self.__username = username
    def password(self):
        return self.__password
    def password(self,password):
        self.__key = Fernet.generate_key()
        f = Fernet(self.__key)
        self.__password = f.encrypt(password.encode()).decode()
        del f
    def expiry_time(self):
        return self.__time_of_exp
    def expiry_time(self,exp_time):
        if(exp_time >= 2):
            self.__time_of_exp = exp_time
    def create_cred(self):
        This function is responsible for encrypting the password and create  key file for
        storing the key and create a credential file with user name and password
        cred_filename = 'CredFile.ini'
        with open(cred_filename,'w') as file_in:
            file_in.write("#Credential file:\nUsername={}\nPassword={}\nExpiry={}\n"
        #If there exists an older key file, This will remove it.
        #Open the Key.key file and place the key in it.
        #The key file is hidden.
            os_type = sys.platform
            if (os_type == 'linux'):
                self.__key_file = '.' + self.__key_file
            with open(self.__key_file,'w') as key_in:
                #Hidding the key file.
                #The below code snippet finds out which current os the script is running on and does the task base on it.
                if(os_type == 'win32'):
                    ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(self.__key_file, 2)
        except PermissionError:
            print("A Permission error occurred.\n Please re run the script")
        self.__username = ""
        self.__password = ""
        self.__key = ""
def main():
    # Creating an object for Credentials class
    creds = Credentials()
    #Accepting credentials
    creds.username = input("Enter UserName:")
    creds.password = input("Enter Password:")
    print("Enter the epiry time for key file in minutes, [default:Will never expire]")
    creds.expiry_time = int(input("Enter time:") or '-1')
    #calling the Credit
    print("Cred file created successfully at {}"
    if not(creds.expiry_time == -1):
if __name__ == "__main__":

#Retrieve credentials.
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import os
cred_filename = 'CredFile.ini'
key_file = 'key.key'
key = ''
with open('key.key','r') as key_in:
    key = key_m.genealogy-computer-tips.com().encode()
#If you want the Cred file to be of one
# time use uncomment the below line
f = Fernet(key)
with open(cred_filename,'r') as cred_in:
    lines = cred_in.readlines()
    config = {}
    for line in lines:
        tuples = line.rstrip('\n').split('=',1)
        if tuples[0] in ('Username','Password'):
            config[tuples[0]] = tuples[1]
    passwd = f.decrypt(config['Password'].encode()).decode()
    print("Password:", passwd)

import os
import time
key_file = 'key.key'
key_exp_start = time.time()
cred_filename = 'CredFile.ini'
with open(cred_filename, 'r') as cred_in:
    lines = cred_in.readlines()
    config = {}
    for line in lines:
        tuples = line.rstrip('\n').split('=', 1)
        if tuples[0] in ('Expiry '):
            config[tuples[0]] = tuples[1]
    if not(config['Expiry '] == -1):
        # Time below is in seconds.
        time_for_exp = int(config['Expiry ']) * 60
            if (not(time.time() - key_exp_start <= time_for_exp)
                and os.path.isfile(key_file)):





#Retrieve credentials.
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import os
cred_filename = 'CredFile.ini'
key_file = 'key.key'
key = ''
with open('key.key','r') as key_in:
    key = key_m.genealogy-computer-tips.com().encode()
#If you want the Cred file to be of one
# time use uncomment the below line
f = Fernet(key)
with open(cred_filename,'r') as cred_in:
    lines = cred_in.readlines()
    config = {}
    for line in lines:
        tuples = line.rstrip('\n').split('=',1)
        if tuples[0] in ('Username','Password'):
            config[tuples[0]] = tuples[1]
    passwd = f.decrypt(config['Password'].encode()).decode()
    print("Password:", passwd)




import os
import time
key_file = 'key.key'
key_exp_start = time.time()
cred_filename = 'CredFile.ini'
with open(cred_filename, 'r') as cred_in:
    lines = cred_in.readlines()
    config = {}
    for line in lines:
        tuples = line.rstrip('\n').split('=', 1)
        if tuples[0] in ('Expiry '):
            config[tuples[0]] = tuples[1]
    if not(config['Expiry '] == -1):
        # Time below is in seconds.
        time_for_exp = int(config['Expiry ']) * 60
            if (not(time.time() - key_exp_start <= time_for_exp)
                and os.path.isfile(key_file)):